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  • 发布日期:2022-06-27 10:07
  • 来源:人事处

The Second Phase of Business Foreign Languages Training of the “Capacity Building Year” Successfully Held



On the morning of June 24th, the Hainan Provincial Department of Commerce and the Hainan Provincial Bureau of International Economic Development jointly held the second phase of business foreign languages training in order to implement and deploy the requirements of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee regarding the “Capacity Building Year”, create a good atmosphere for learning, understanding, and use of  foreign languages, and consolidate the foundation of business foreign language talents for the construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port. Deputy Chief of Hainan Provincial Department of Commerce, Li Zhiping attended the event.


In terms of content, this event focused on the actual daily business work, the sharing of typical business cases, and achieved a breakthrough with a Japanese speech added at the end. The event was very enlightening and practical, showing the good spirit of personnel in the business field.


ZhuFu Yunfeng, from the Division of E-commerce, spoke from personal learning experience on The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Hainan Free Trade Port, sharing her thoughts about this law with everyone present.


Based on daily work, Lin Difan, from the Hainan Provincial Bureau of International Economic Development, vividly depicted the essential traits of investment promotion personnel through an intriguing dialogue with her colleague Wang Feng .


Zhuang Leilei, from the Division of Enterprise Services, shared with the audience her feelings on the continuous improvement of the business environment in Hainan in recent years based on her experience in optimizing the business environment of the  Hainan Free Trade Port.


Chen Yuwenfrom the Center of Business Training, discussed how to make good policy decisions concerning business entities by analyzing real cases.



Zhou Min, from the Division of Exhibition, shared her thoughts on the offshore duty-free policy based on the experience of her life and work.


Huang Yinxia, from the Office, introduced the basic situation of the 11 key industrial parks in Hainan.



Wei Xingyan, from the Hainan Provincial Bureau of International Economic Development, introduced the preferential policies of the Hainan Free Trade Port fluently in Japanese based on her work in economic liaison.

海南国际经济发展局魏星妍立足经济联络的岗位职责, 用流利的日语自信大方地为大家介绍了海南自贸港的优惠政策。

Dr. Li Yazhi, from the College of Foreign Languages of Hainan University, was invited to give excellent comments on the performance of each speaker. Deputy Chief Li Zhiping spoke positively of the event and encouraged participants to make relentless efforts to learn and use foreign languages to contribute to the construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port.





运维单位:海南省商务厅办公室 技术支持:开普云


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